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MNOA offers invaluable training for all areas of law enforcement. Types of training include, but are not limited to traffic interdiction and officer safety, handgun retention, raid planning and execution, interview techniques, drug identification, legal updates, along with numerous other issues that may arise. Any LEO having desired training suggestions or needs can contact their regional representative or any of the board members to make arrangements to sponsor training. The MNOA was also formed to assist with new legislative matters. The MNOA not only lobby's on behalf of new legislation, it's members are also directly involved in writing and amending current legislative bills and proposals. MNOA also offers one of the most important tools that law enforcement can have and that is networking with all levels of law enforcement throughout Montana and other states. This is made largely possible through the regional schools and our annual conference.

By being a member of MNOA and attending the schools that are sponsored or co-hosted by MNOA members, we are able to share valuable information with other law enforcement personnel. It is imperative that we, as law enforcement professionals have a better communication network than the suspects we deal with.

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"Together We Stand, Together We Fight"

MNOA Executive Board

These are the MNOA board members as well as their position within the association. Individuals are voted into these positions by the membership body.


AJ Allard, Agent


Montana Department of Justice


Division of Criminal Investigation

Vice President

Brandon O'Dell, TFO


Missoula Police Department


Missoula, MT


Cory Smith, Undersheriff


Fergus County Sheriff's Office


Lewistown, MT

Region 1

Luke Smith, Agent


Montana Department of Justice


Division of Criminal Investigation


Counties: Blaine, Cascade, Chouteau, Fergus, Glacier, Hill, Judith Basin, Liberty, Pondera, Teton, Toole

Region 2

Nate Scofield, Agent


Montana Department of Justice


Division of Criminal Investigation


Counties: Flathead, Granite, Lake, Lincoln, Mineral, Missoula, Powell, Ravalli, Sanders

Vice President II

Marty Heaney, RAC


Montana Department of Justice


Division of Criminal Investigation


Dean Keith, Agent


Montana Department of Justice


Division of Criminal Investigation

Region 3






Counties: Beaverhead, Broadwater, Deer Lodge, Gallatin, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, Madison, Meagher, Park, Silverbow, Sweet Grass


Past President

Chad Anderberg, Agent


Montana Department of Justice


Division of Criminal Investigation

Executive Director

Steve Crawford, Bureau Chief​


Montana Department of Justice


Division of Criminal Investigation

Uniform Patrol Rep

Mike Van Meter, Sergeant


Gallatin County Sheriff's Office


Bozeman, MT

Region 4

Scott Johnson, Agent


Montana Department of Justice


Division of Criminal Investigation


Counties: Wheatland, Golden Valley, Stillwater, Carbon, Yellowstone, Musselshell, Big Horn, Petroleum

Region 5

Gabe Flores, Special Agent​


U.S. Dep. of Homeland Security


U.S. Border Patrol


Counties: Carter, Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, McCone, Phillips, Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Rosebud, Roosevelt, Sheridan, Treasure, Valley, Wibaux

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